We will participate in ENOVITIS IN CAMPO which will take place on June 21st and 22nd at Fabbrico (RE).

ENOVITIS IN CAMPO is the only dynamic fair in Italy entirely dedicated to viticulture technologies.

The heart of the event consists of the tests and demonstrations that take place directly in the vineyard and therefore in completely realistic conditions, such as to allow the visitor to measure the effectiveness and actual applicability of what was proposed by the exhibitors present.

At Enovitis in Campo it is possible to see the work, verifying the results, the most modern technologies, materials and equipment that can be used in all agronomic operations: vineyard plant, phytosanitary and nutrition protection, soil management, foliage management, harvest, more modern specialized tractors, irrigation, management and recovery of biomass, control and detection systems for precision viticulture.

For more informations: www.enovitisincampo.it